6 airlines fined for violating safety rules

SIX domestic airlines have been fined N11.55 million for violating safety rules, while four others were grounded for similar offences.

The Director General of the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA), Dr. Segun Demuren, who disclosed this in Abuja at a conference on aviation, told participants that the agency had in the last few months, also suspeded airline operator’s certificate (aoc) of three carriers while many others were denied renewal.

The ncaa boss also disclosed that many pilots, engineers and air traffic controllers had their licences suspended for unprofessional conduct during the year.

Dr. Demuren, whihle explaining the role of the agency since the fatal accidents of last year, disclosed that illegal foreign operations had been banned in the country over questionable safety certificates like flight crew licenses and fake insurance papers.

He explained that for safety reasons, the Port Harcourt Airport and that of Maiduguri were closed to traffic recently.

He also disclosed that most of the aircraft in the country were between the ages of 23 and 35, but added that the operators had been put thorough strict aging maintenance rules.

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