From a business travel summary

Further unrest a credible risk following religious clashes in
northern state

At least 25 people were arrested on 24 September following sectarian violence on 20 September between Muslims and Christians in the predominantly Muslim northern city of Dutse (Jigawa state) in which several people were injured. Meanwhile, several hundred government troops were deployed on 24 September to the northern city of Kaduna (Kaduna state ) in order to prevent a spillover of the Dutse

Control Risks considers that further sporadic sectarian
violence is likely between Muslims and Christian in the north.

Business travellers and personnel are advised to exercise caution and avoid all public gatherings or demonstrations to minimise the risk of becoming caught up in violence. Although troops have been deployed, there is a credible risk of retaliatory attacks both in the north and
elsewhere in the predominantly Christian south.

Sectarian violence is often
related to the high levels of disillusionment among unemployed youth rather than to straightforward religious motivation. Furthermore, political
figures are likely to manipulate ethnic and religious tensions for
political gain in the months leading up to the 2007 elections, while power struggles between state politicians will fuel latent sectarian tensions.

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