Work Resumes Soon on Train Six of NLNG

The management of TSKJ which is handling the Nigeria Liquefied Natural Gas project in Bonny, Rivers State, which was rocked by a face-off with its workers has announced that agreements have been reached for the resumption of full scale work on Train six of LNG and assured that they would still complete the project on schedule.
Speaking to newsmen in Port Harcourt, Public Relations Manager of the embattled company, Sir Sonny Meshack-Hart said that a lot of interventions by various interested parties in the oil and gas business, added to the pliable position TSKJ took on the matter and ensured early resolution of the disagreements.
Meshack-Hart insisted that notwithstanding the delay which arose from the disagreement with the workers, they would still do everything possible to ensure that they deliver the train six in the last quarter of next year.
While he insisted that those returning to work at a yet to be fixed date have to sign an undertaking of commitment to peace and work ethics, the company has also moved to repair and replace vandalized equipment during the face off with a view to ensure that the completion date of the project was not affected.
He admitted that tax deduction problems were at the base of the misunderstanding which agencies of the Rivers State government have clarified issues of allowances and deductions though the workers had expected zero tax payments and refunds for deducted ones.
�TSKJ has actively worked with the various government agencies and the unions in an attempt to address concerns and try to create an environment conducive to resuming normal operations. TSKJ is now working closely with all its sub-contractors to bring operations back to normal as speedily as possible and will seek the workers cooperation and assurance that there will be no further disruptive acts once work resumes. All personnel returning to work are required to sign an undertaking committing to this.
�The tax situation has been clarified with the Rivers State Government agencies and agreement reached on certain allowances. However it would appear that there were expectations amongst certain workers that the tax payments would be reduced to zero and that large tax refunds going back to 2001 would be made. This is not something that the government agencies could possibly have conceded to�, Meshack-Hart said.
According to the organization, part of the agreements leading to the resolution of the problem is that the National Union of Construction and Wood Worker (NUCECFW) would be the umbrella union for construction workers on Bonny Island while National Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Worker (NUPENG) would be the union for operating plant workers.
The TSKJ image maker said they drew up the Project labuor Agreement (PLA) which has become a working document for all companies in the island with their workers as a pointer that they have from inception been committed to workers welfare.
Should there be any disagreement, he contended that �constructive dialogue and meaningful negotiations� were key to industrial harmony and pledged to continue pursuing the policy on local content by employing, training and ensuring direct participation in the project by Nigerians.

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