SPDC increase local security

Pls be informed that in response to renewed security threats and the recent incident in Port Harcourt, the existing security measures for our Office and Residential areas are being re-enforced with the addition of the following:

1. All visitors to SPDC – IA, MOA and Edjeba must be signed in and picked up at entry points and escorted back after such visits. Such visitors must be properly documented on the Visitors Booking Systems (VBS). Similarly vistors to RA will have to be picked up at the entry points and signed out by their hosts after the visit’s.

2. Vehicles driving into SPDC premises will be checked on a random basis.

3. For groups driving into SPDC premises, please note that all occupants of the vehicles must identify themselves.

4. An alternative location for approved garaging of vehicles overnight will be created by location services. Henceforth, unauthorized parking of cars will be strictly prohibited and such cars will be towed away at owners’ cost.

5. Picking and dropping of passengers in front of our gates is prohibited.

6. Offering of lifts to persons without valid id cards into SPDC premises is not allowed.

7. There will be detailed random checking of persons and personal effects entering SPDC premises.

8. All persons entering SPDC premises must have valid ID cards and wear them conspicuously to be allowed entry.

We appreciate the inconvenience that these measures will cause but trust that you will bear with us as we go through these times. Needless to stress that these measures can only be effective with your support

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