Nigerian anti-graft singer freed after kidnapping

A popular musician in northeast Nigeria who was kidnapped days after releasing a scathing anti-graft song was freed on Wednesday, he told AFP.

Ado Dahiru Daukaka went missing in the Adamawa state capital of Yola after he left his house early on Friday to offer dawn prayers at a mosque.

Daukaka was discovered weak and famished early on Wednesday about  80km from his house in Lamurde village.

The singer said he believed his abduction was in connection with his new song that accuses politicians from President Muhammadu Buhari’s ruling party of corruption and predicts that they will be voted out of power in the 2019 election.

“They asked me why I sniff around other people’s affairs which clearly shows that my kidnap had to do with my work as a singer,” Daukaka said to AFP, speaking from a hospital in Lamurde.

“I was never physically harmed by my captors, but I was quite traumatised by being abducted and held captive,” he said.

The family of the singer said he was a political target.

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