Militants vow more oil attacks

Niger Delta militants seeking greater regional control of oil resources said a former commissioner in Bayelsa state is the only person authorised to negotiate on their behalf.
The militants also said they would continue attacks on oil and gas facilities in the region, “until our demands in their entirety are met.”

In an e-mail statement, the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta said Oronto Douglas is “the only person authorised to act on behalf of MEND in any negotiations between us and any parties interested in a resolution of the crisis in the Niger Delta.”

A human-rights activist, Douglas served as commissioner for information in Bayelsa under the former governor, Diepreye Alamieseigha.

He was one of the officials removed by the incumbent governor, Jonathan Goodluck, following Alamieseigha’s impeachment over corruption and money laundering accusations.

MEND said prominent Ijaw leader Edwin Clark doesn’t have contacts with the group’s leadership.

“This is a dubious claim as Chief Clark has no clue as to the identity of the true leadership of our movement,” MEND said in the statement, signed by Jomo Gbomo.

Attacks by MEND have cut Nigeria’s crude oil production by 641 000 barrels per day, out of a production of 2.4 million b/d. The attacks also have reduced Nigeria’s electricity generation by 25%.

MEND said it would continue the attacks until two ethnic Ijaw leaders – Alamieseigha and Mujahidin Dokubo-Asari, are free.

President Olusegun Obasanjo called a meeting for Wednesday to discuss the Niger Delta crisis. MEND said it wouldn’t send a representative.

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