MEND Statement

In response to the build up of nigerian military forces in rivers state of the niger delta resultant from the killing of 14 nigerian soldiers, we today teusday october, 3 2006 decided to send a number of our fighters into rivers state to assist communities which we percieve will shortly be under siege by the nigerian military.

As previously stated, we were not party to the attacks of october 2, 2006 which resulted in the deaths of these soldiers and sympathize with the families of those who have lost loved ones to this unfortunate episode but will not stand with folded arms while the nigerian military, true to habit, inflicts retaliatory punishment on innocent civilians.

These fighters will remain in the vicinity of rivers state, until the percieved threat to ijaw communities in river state ceases to exist.

Oil companies are again advised to reflect on the futility of trusting their security to the nigerian government. As long as the injustice persists in the delta, there will be no peace for those who loot the wealth of our oppressed people.

Our goal remains the destruction of the nigerian oil industry and all who stand on the pathway to our objective. In good time we will redeem our pledge to the people of the niger delta to halt altogether the rape of our land by the nigerian government and conniving oil companies. Be warned, we have not entered into any negotiations with the nigerian government or its representatives. Oil companies in the niger delta are operating at their peril.

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