NDPVF, MEND & The Martyrs Brigade]

Release Dokubo-Asari or Get Ready for War!

Hours ago, heroic and patriotic combatants of the Joint Revolutionary Council (JRC) comprising NDPVF, MEND & The Martyrs Brigade, once again demonstrated their ability to call to naught, the insincerity and dubiousness of the corrupt and satanic Nigerian state.
The key victims of this confrontation were soldiers who at one time or the other, attacked our communities and assaulted our people. This judgment will be continued, on-going and sustained. We will scale up this campaign with every show of insincerity on the part of the Nigerian state and those that lord over it.
The purpose of this celebration of ability and capability was to prove to the armed forces of the Nigerian state that we can take on them anywhere, anytime and anyhow.
As combatants who recognize the need to respect the rules of engagement, we resisted all urge to smoothly take out all the malnourished and underpaid soldiers of the Nigerian state. However, those who felt the temptation to test our might were rewarded by the fatal venom of our bullets. This is just the beginning.
We demand once again, the unconditional release from the gallows of the Nigerian state, the flag bearer and leading light of the Ijaw and Niger Delta struggle, Alhaji Mujahid Dokubo-Asari.
IF this demand is not met in good time, we will roll out the drums of war and our heroic and patriotic combatants will begin a revolution against all interests and agents of the Nigerian state as well as her imperialist collaborators.
We will at our time, put the proclaimed might of the armed forces of the Nigerian state to the test.
The test of the pudding has always been in the eating!

The Struggle continues

Cynthia Whyte
Spokesperson, Joint Revolutionary Council (JRC)

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