Family Pleas for Release of American Hostage

The family of an American being held hostage in Nigeria made a public plea for his release Monday. The family of 23 year old Cody Oswalt, some 25 of them, gathered in a car port at his grandmother’s house in South Jackson to make the plea.

Cody’s uncle, Rickey Oswalt of Pearl was the lone spokesperson, delivering a statement and declining to take questions. He said, speaking directly to the militants holding Cody hostage, “These men were taken so that you situation and demands be heard by the world. Now that the world is aware of your situation, we ask that you release Cody, Russell and John.”

Russell and John are two other hostages held with Cody, one is an American, the other is English.

Cody Oswalt was raised in South Jackson and attended Forest Hill High School. He was working for Willbros Pipeline Company in Nigeria as a crane operator, at the time of his capture, 32 days ago. Six others captured with him, were released March 1st.

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