Dispute over ‘explosions’

The Italian operators of a crude oil pipeline in southern Nigeria have denied reports of sabotage and massive oil spills from their pipeline.
Bayelsa State officials have said there were two suspected explosions on the pipeline operated by Eni’s subsidiary Agip on Wednesday, causing the spills.

Eni said the repairs needed were minor and would soon be completed.

Almost a quarter of normal oil output in Africa’s largest oil producer has been shut down due to rebel attacks.

Militant groups in the south say they want local control of oil revenues.

“We haven’t had massive spills,” an Eni spokesman is quoted as saying by Reuters news agency.

An adviser to the local state governor said one blast blew apart a pipeline at a flow station.

Another official said the second explosion hit a riverside pipeline.

Eni said however that these claims were “completely without foundation”.

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