Civilians evicted from barracks seek help

HUNDREDS of displaced residents of 2 Brigade, Port Harcourt Army Barracks are seeking help from government and public spirited Nigerians.
At their temporary refuge behind Gas Plant on Rumuokoro road some of them told Vanguard that life had become difficult since their ejection from the Bori Camp.

They said some public spirited landlords offered them their open land space as temporary refuge. Some of the families were seen raising structures on different portions of the land with old roofing sheets. While at another end some were clearing the bush.

Some of the men said about fifty families were living there. Michael Uwanye, one of those displaced said he shared his children among friends and the makeshift structure was to enable him bring his family together
One of the landlords who spoke off record said he could not resist appeals to give them his plot as temporary refuge. He said he expected them to be there for a few months to raise money that would enable them relocate.

He also added his voice to appeal for aid from government and other Nigerians for the displaced persons.
Meanwhile, an NGO, Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law has condemned the manner in which the army ejected the civilians who were their long-time tenants and neighbours.

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