5 reasons Lagos cannot ban live bands at restaurants and bars

According to newspaper reports, the General Manager‎ of the Lagos State Environment Protection Agency, Adebola Shabi, has proscribed the playing of music by bands in restaurants and bars in the state.

This he says is to curtail the menace of noise pollution by these hospitality places and religious organizations.

Sounds valid, but it is near impossible to do so. Here are five reasons why it won’t happen.

live-music1. Lagos wants to discover new entertainment talent

Most of these talents hone their skills by playing in these places.

2. Beer parlours are the lifeline of Lagos

They help Lagosians unwind after long working days and weeks.

3. Four years ago, the value of parties thrown in the state was N36b

All that money circulates within Lagos.

4. The state government itself organises several entertainment events during the year

It won’t ban itself.

5. Campaigns for the 2019 election cycle will begin in about a year

Nobody bans anything just before elections.


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