4 Policemen feared killed by militants

CORPSES of four policemen were yesterday found floating on a river in Port Harcourt. There were fears they might have been shot by militants in the early hours of the day. The Police were, however, quick to remove the corpses to the morgue.

The state Police Public Relations Officer, Mrs. Ireju Baresua, confirmed the death. She said two others were receiving treatment while the police were trying to get to the roots of the shooting. Sources said the men were shot at their duty post at the Port Island.

Only last week, some unknown gunmen shot and killed an American oil worker in Port Harcourt. Two days later, youths suspected to be from Buguma area of the state struck at Saipem, where they abducted three expatriates � an Indian, a Briton and an Italian. The hostages were released 24 hours later.
Some groups have been threatening to unleash terror on the state if their demands are not met. It is not known if these incidents are fallouts of the threats.

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